
Tappin' People out Since 04

Strength & Conditioning for BJJ

Friday, January 10, 2025 07:27

Strength & Conditioning for BJJ

by Max Corteggiano
BJJFlowCharts - Strength & Conditioning for BJJ

I am not a certified trainer. Yet, I am confident that I can help you with your workouts!

I spent a lot of time reading about Strength and Conditioning (S&C). What did I learn? S&C is both very complex and very simple. If your goal is to have peak performance on a competition day, you need a personal trainer and a pretty good one! If your goal is to get stronger and be more performant on a general level, you don't need one. All you need is time, dedication, and good programs!

What follows is my training regimen. Every week follows the same pattern.

Monday - Wednesday - Friday: Workouts
Tuesday - Thursday: Cardio

I switch program every three months, so my body doesn't get used to a type of workout. Plus, lifting heavy weights all year long is not the best idea for longevity. If you don't like one program, do something else. It would be best to enjoy the grind; otherwise, you won't be consistent. Three times a week, every week, is a serious effort.


StrongLifts 5x5

As the name suggests, the StrongLifts 5x5 program is about lifting heaving weights. Five reps of five sets per movement (Squat / Bench Press / Barbell Row / Overhead Press / Deadlift), and you increase the weight by 2.5kg/5lb (5kg/10lb for the Deadlift) at every session!

It's a simple yet very challenging program. You will get stronger! The free app is great for keeping track of your sessions and progress.

Bodyweight / Calisthenics

Bodyweight training is excellent, especially after three months of stronglifts! You will develop your strength and endurance.

I use, but there are many alternatives.


Train like a Russian! I use the Kettlebell Workout Wizard app

The app will generate workouts and show you the proper forms for the movements. All you need is some Kettlebells! It's free; it's simple; it's excellent!

Daru Strong's Ground Control

Ground Control is a specific program designed by a pro trainer for grapplers.

You will develop your isometric strength, a strong posterior chain, and will do specific mobilization techniques.